- Ph.D in Operations Research, UIUC, Ongoing
- M.S. in Operations Research, UIUC, 2022
- B.Tech. in Production and Industrial Engineering, IIT Delhi, 2018
Professional Experience
Teaching/Research experience
Teaching Assistant, UIUC (Fall 2020 - Ongoing)
- Featured in the list of teachers ranked Excellent by students (Fall 22, Spring 23)
- Graduate Courses:
Big Graphs and Social Networks (IE533) - Undergraduate Courses:
Facilities Layout and Planning (IE360)
Analysis of Data (IE300)
Production Planning and Control (IE361)
Engineering Graphics and Design (SE101)
Research Assistant, UIUC (Summer 2021 - Fall 2021)
- IBM-ILLINOIS Center for Cognitive Computing Systems Research
- Areas
- High-performance computing
- Optimization
- Programming
- C++, CUDA, Python, Java
- Tools
- Optimization packages - Gurobi, AMPL, NetworkX, CVX
- Data Analytics - SQL, scikit-learn,
- Parallel Programming - CUB, METIS, Nsight Compute, OpenMP
- Graduate Mentor, UIUC
- Empowerment Team Leader, Schlumberger
- Undergraduate Secretary, Academic Interaction Council IIT Delhi
- Publicity Coordinator, Literati IIT Delhi